Lichtensteins main claim to fame which they boast proudly about though god knows why is that they manufacture and export 60% of the worlds false teeth.
A small country capital Vaduz, it has a gothic castle and very narrow attractive tidy streets rather spoiled unfortunately by the town centre, which is very bland and is full of horrible cube shaped obviously concrete buildings.
The sight itself was beautifully situated in a sound of music type valley but the site cost 32 Euros per night, and had a bar and restaurant which was closed - whereas in Freiburg it was 28 Euros for 2 nights and everything they wanted paying in Swiss francs so I lost out there.
Next problem. Every other country I have passed through has a blue universal clang type socket so big you could link up with an elephant with it. Not this lot.
I show them all the plugs I’ve got French two pin even a French reverse two pin, where the live and neutral wires are reversed illegal in the rest of Europe but not in France I’ve even got one for the RSA and Botswana.
No good they say, cannot have electric! they show me theirs, it’s like the French two pin but with three pins in the shape of an isosceles triangle? I get ratty as you do when they suddenly pull from a drawer the right connecter to link up to theirs which I can rent apparently so why have they not known what I have been talking about - especially when I have been stood in reception for 15 minutes with my own 30 yards of cable round my neck, I can’t have been the first to turn up with a caravan socket the rest of the world has. I bet David Livingstone never had a problem with his clang socket on his trip in Africa and what about humans what if they had different clang sockets fitted for ; no I’ll leave that for a moment this needs further development s in my thought processes.
Advance to my allocated sight number where there is a luxury electrical outdoor switching box I used to buy they are £450.00 each! open it up… empty.
Have to ask where I am going wrong, apart from being here - so they show me underneath the box at the back and open to the elements is the sockets for these 3 pin plugs of theirs, incredible why don’t they put the sockets in the box? Its empty otherwise.
Most people on the journey were helpful so far but these people just did not care, they had more Gallic shrugs than the French if that’s possible I’m sorry if I got ratty but its freezing cold, pitch black, snowing and nowhere else to go - and they just didn’t care!
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